All Saints Parish has been blessed with many gifted parishioners, working together to meet the spiritual needs of thousands of Catholics and non-Catholics in our community. We know we are the keepers of the gifts God has leased to each of us as stewards.
We know everyone is gifted! We see sharing your gifts as an opportunity for you to recognize your many talents and use them for the purpose for which God entrusted them to you. At All Saints, we hear God's call to minister to those around us by sharing our gifts of time and talent. Hundreds of volunteers coordinate the many ministries of our parish. We always welcome more parishioners who hear the call to minister through liturgical opportunities, fellowship opportunities, leadership opportunities and much, much more!
To find out more about All Saints' many ministerial opportunities, select the different parish committees, listed to the left. Information is also available in the narthex of the church and by contact the parish office.